What Is An Independent Medical Examination?

If you have been hurt at work and are suing your workplace because of it, your attorney may send you to a specialist for an independent medical examination. For example, if you have bone damage, your doctor may send you to an orthopedic surgeon in order to get their opinion on your injuries and your prognosis. What is an independent medical examination, exactly? Independent Medical Examination The way that this work is that your attorney will contact a doctor to set up an appointment for them to examine you. [Read More]

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction In Runners: How Orthotics Can Help

Running is a great way to stay in shape, but whether you do a few miles on a treadmill or run professionally in ultra-marathons, it can also take its toll on your joints, muscles, and tendons. A condition known as posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD) commonly affects both amateur and professional runners and can be both painful and debilitating without proper treatment. What Is Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction? The posterior tibial tendon is one of the most important structures in your lower leg. [Read More]

The Benefits Of Orthopedic Walking Shoes For Older Adults

As you grow older, it becomes more and more important to take care of yourself in order to stay healthy and strong. One simple way you can do this is by getting custom orthopedic walking shoes made by a podiatrist or foot specialist. You'd then wear these shoes whenever you're going to do a considerable amount of walking. This is overall better for your feet and legs. Here's a look at some of the more specific benefits that come with wearing orthopedic walking shoes. [Read More]

Can Sports Medicine Benefit Construction Workers?

If your job as a construction worker leaves you with aches, pain, and even weight control problems, you may seek care from your primary care doctor. Although it's perfectly fine to see a primary care doctor for care, you may need to seek services from a sports medicine doctor or orthopedist instead. Your health problems may require specialized care to overcome. Read on to learn how sports medicine can help construction workers. [Read More]