Ankle Orthopedics Can Help Sports Journalists Avoid Problematic Injuries

Sports journalists have a more demanding job than most people may realize. For example, they have to be pretty physically active and able to move along the court or playing field at a reasonable speed in a way that helps them spot who is scoring and how the play went down. As a result, it is important for those with injured or weak ankles to get orthopedics to help. Ankle Injuries Can Be Very Hard to Tolerate [Read More]

What You Need to Know About Knee Joint Replacement Services

Do you needjoint replacement services? If your doctor recommends knee surgery to correct an injury or other orthopedic issue, take a look at the following information. How Common Are Knee Replacements? According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), between 2000 and 2010 doctors performed 5.2 million knee replacement procedures in the United States. This makes knee surgery one of the most common inpatient procedures for adults 45+ years old. [Read More]

An Artificial Leg Will Restore Your Mobility

A below the knee amputation requires several months to heal. The residual limb is the portion of your leg that still remains. Once your doctor has deemed the limb to have healed properly, you may want to consider having a prosthesis made. A prosthesis is an artificial limb that is customized to connect to your artificial limb. Although the thought of wearing a prosthesis may seem unfamiliar to you, it will allow you to regain your freedom and live a healthy and active lifestyle. [Read More]

Recovering From Arthroscopic Hip Surgery: A Guide For Patients

Your hips are the largest joints in your body. As such, any hip surgery can greatly impact the way you move and live your life during the recovery period. Thankfully, doctors now perform a large number of hip surgeries arthroscopically, which means they only make a few small incisions in the hip rather than one large incision. This has made recovery shorter and less painful, but you will still need to know what to expect and how to care for yourself after your sports injuries arthroscopic surgery. [Read More]