What To Expect If You Need Arthroscopy For Your Shoulder Pain

If your shoulder pain hasn't gotten better after resting it and allowing time to heal, your doctor might recommend an arthroscopic procedure to diagnose the problem. While imaging tests such as an MRI can reveal a lot about the condition of your shoulder, arthroscopy allows the doctor to visualize your shoulder joint by using a scope. Here's how arthroscopy is used to diagnose a shoulder condition and what you can expect with this procedure. [Read More]

3 Strategies To Manage Shoulder Instability

Shoulder instability can be caused by a prior injury, chronic inflammation due to underlying disease processes, or gradual wear and tear of the shoulder. Depending on the extend of instability, there are several strategies to either increase stability or fix the problem. Use Support You will need to find a way to increase stability by supporting the joint. One method is to use a shoulder brace, which fits snug over the shoulder and upper-arm, and is strapped across your chest. [Read More]

What Can Happen When Sports Injuries Don'T Get Treatment

It is difficult to separate sports from injuries. Common sports injuries include sprains, strains, bruises, nosebleeds, and concussions. These can be acute or chronic. Acute injuries occur suddenly in the course of a sporting activity and may be easy to detect. Chronic injuries are slightly harder to detect as they result from overuse of a particular muscle or joint over a prolonged period.   Minor injuries can be treated at home and should go away within 48-72 hours. [Read More]

3 Tips for the Prevention and Management of De Quervain's Syndrome

De Quervain's syndrome is a common source of pain in the wrists. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is associated with overuse of the wrists and underlying inflammatory arthritis. There are ways you can minimize the chances of developing De Quervain's syndrome and manage the condition if it occurs.  Be Mindful of Repetitive Use Since there are many tasks that require repetitive use of the wrists, it is important to be mindful of your activities to minimize inflammation. [Read More]